Rating System

As of 12th January 2011, The Book Coop will cease using a five star scale to rate books, but will represent the overall feeling in a Wordle which is a jumble of words mixed up and made pretty.

I found that, whilst I find numerical ratings very useful, it became very frustrating to have to decide upon a number and stick with it. So instead I will put together a list of words that I feel describes the book and turn it into a Wordle to graphically illustrate my general feeling towards a book.

Example of a positive Wordle:  

Example of a negative Wordle:

So you will see from the types of colours (either colourful or not) and the words what my general feeling is, but without a simple star rating.

I hope this will be a different and interesting way to review books. I do find star ratings very useful, but I also - for myself - found it difficult to justify my choice in number.

Please note: I only review books that I own or get from the library. I do not receive books to review, nor do I request them.


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